Niq's OA Resources

Tag and Links

Tag and link list

When building the websites in HTML, you should link as many things as you can, there are a lot of tags in our system that will link things for you, like google and facebook, and a list of standard URLs you can put on websites already. There are also tags that will automatically return company information, and should be used in things like the global header:

Common Tags

  • {#CompanyName} -> Returns the company name
       (Niq Baldwin)
  • {#CompanyAbbvCompany} -> Returns the company's abbreviated name
  • {#CompanyPhone} -> Returns text of company's primary phone number
       ((810) 985-6603)
  • {#CompanyMobilePhone} -> Returns the company's phone number wrapped in an anchor tag with a class
       (<a href="tel:8109856603" class="mobilephone">(810) 985-6603</a>)
  • {#CompanyAddress} -> Returns the company location's address
       (Port Huron)
  • {#CompanyCity} -> Returns the company location's city
       (Port Huron)
  • {#CompanyState} -> Returns the company location's state or province abbreviated
  • {#CompanyZip} -> Returns the company location's zip or postal code
  • {#CompanyYearFounded} -> Returns the year the company was founded
  • {#CompanyAge} -> Returns the age of the company as a number

Specific Tags

  • {#SEOCity1} -> Returns the city and state for the first SEO city
       (Fort Gratiot MI)
  • {#SEOCity2} -> Returns the city and state for the second SEO city
       (Ann Arbor MI)
  • {#SEOCity3} -> Returns the city and state for the third SEO city
       (Marysville MI)
  • {#SEOCity1Raw} -> Returns just the city name for the first SEO city
       (Fort Gratiot)
  • {#SEOCity2Raw} -> Returns just the city name for the second SEO city
       (Ann Arbor)
  • {#SEOCity3Raw} -> Returns just the city name for the third SEO city
  • {#Service1} -> Returns the seasonally appropriate primary service, optional parameter “case” with values of “upper” or “lower” will convert the service to either uppercase or lowercase
  • {#Service2} -> Returns the seasonally appropriate primary service, optional parameter “case” with values of “upper” or “lower” will convert the service to either uppercase or lowercase
  • {#Service3} -> Returns the seasonally appropriate primary service, optional parameter “case” with values of “upper” or “lower” will convert the service to either uppercase or lowercase
  • {#Service4} -> Returns the seasonally appropriate primary service, optional parameter “case” with values of “upper” or “lower” will convert the service to either uppercase or lowercase
  • {#Service5} -> Returns the seasonally appropriate primary service, optional parameter “case” with values of “upper” or “lower” will convert the service to either uppercase or lowercase
  • {#CurrentYear} -> Returns the current year
  • {#CurrentMonth} -> Returns the current month
  • {#CurrentDay} -> Returns the current day
  • {#CurrentDate} -> Returns the current date

Tags as links

Most of these tags return urls, so you should put them as the href values for anchor tags. (<a href="{#Facebook}" target="_blank"></a>

These are pulled from a company's Customer Hub, under "Web Presence". If a social media is not present in this list, it is not a tag yet, you'll have to manually paste a link.

  •{#companyaddress},{#COMPANYCITY}, {#COMPANYSTATE} {#COMPANYZIP} -> lets you dynamically link a company's address
       ( Oak St.,Port Huron, MI 48060)
  • {#Facebook} -> Returns the company's facebook url
  • {#Youtube} -> Returns the company's Youtube page
  • {#Twitter} -> Returns the company's X (formerly twitter) page
  • {#Blog} -> Returns the company's blog page
  • {#LinkedIn} -> Returns the company's LinkedIn page
  • {#BBB} -> Returns the company's BBB listing
  • {#Instagram} -> Returns the company's Instagram page
  • {#LeaveGoogleReview} -> Returns a link to their company's google page, opening to leave a review
  • {#ViewGoogleReviews} -> Returns a link to their company's google page, opening to view all reviews

Friendly Urls

There are friendly urls that we should plug in where we can. Another dept sets these up, but you should be putting in the links where it makes sense.

  • /schedule
  • /contact
  • /email
  • /about-us
  • /meet-our-team
  • /employment
  • /financing
  • /guarantees
  • /reviews
  • /maintenance-plan
  • /promotions
  • /heating-service
  • /ac-service
  • /plumbing-service
  • /electrical-service
  • /water-heater-service
  • /heat-pump-repair
  • /boiler-service


Other tags commonly used

  • {#NearbyNowServiceCities limit="1"} -> returns a list of the company's cities, wrapped in two divs:
    <div class="serviceWrap">
        <div class="serviceColumn">
                <li>Green Valley</li>
                <li>Las Vegas</li>
                <li>McDonald Highlands</li>
                <li>McDonald Ranch</li>
                <li>North Las Vegas</li>
                <li>Seven Hills</li>
                <li>Southern Highlands</li>
  • {#PageName} -> Returns the name of the current page (use for the header for the global pages)
       (Tag and Links}
  • {#Page} -> Needed for the body block in the site template layout. It pulls in the html for each page in the Site Content Manager.
       (The entire html from the SCM)
  • {#googleplaceid} -> Returns the google place id, useful for the review widget
  • {#NBNSFT} -> Returns the Nearby Now storefront token. Used for the review widget.